Black & White ESSENTIALS

Our Essential package combines all the great elements of the Starter package and adds one important feature: hardcover publishing. Also included are additional paperback copies (ten in total), promotional materials (bookmarks, business cards, and postcards).

  • Digital Formatting and Distribution (E-Book)
  • Paperback Publishing
  • Hardcover Publishing
  • Cover & Interior Customization
  • Up to 25 Image Insertions
  • Electronic Proofs of Your Book
  • Interior Revisions – One Block of 50
  • One-On-One Author Support
  • Bookstore Availability
  • Online Distribution through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Other Book Retailers
  • ISBN Assignment
  • U.S. Copyright
  • Library of Congress Control Number
  • 10 Paperback Copies
  • Amazon Look Inside
  • Google Preview
  • Barnes & Noble Read Instantly
  • Social Media Setup Guide
  • Title Listing on BookMad
  • 100 Promotional Materials: Bookmarks
  • 100 Promotional Materials: Business Cards
  • 100 Promotional Materials: Postcards
Back Book Return Program

This option could increase your sales. Generally, bookstores will only buy 2-3 books just to test the market. By having this program is like the book store has an insurance program 12 or 24 months. This means the bookstore is able to return unsold copies of your book and get refunded for the purchase, and is an important option because of the risk involved with bringing in a book that may or may not sell. For example, if a bookstore is considering a book from a new author that doesn’t have any prior sales history, the assurance that they can recoup losses if needed may sway their purchase decision.

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